Thursday, January 31, 2008

We got a new heater!!!!

After being nagged (continuously) by my loving mom and dad and also seriously (negatively) "affected" by the extreme cold weather these few days, Mike and I finally got out of our lazy and money-saving habit and got ourselves a new heater!!

The Smooth Purchase Process...
This morning we literally just walked for 3 minutes to the nearby Fortress (a big electrical appliance chain in HK) at Times Square and started shopping =) The shop assistant was really nice and helpful in giving us info on the different kinds of heater. We made our purchase, and then Mike just carried the heater (in its cute little box) walking back home. The whole process took less than 20 mintues!!! No driving, no delivery needed!! So speedy and handy!

You got to love the convenience of Hong Kong!!!!

When we entered the apartment building, our friendly apartment security guard (Mr. Chan) saw us carrying the new heater. Mike said to him (in Cantonese) "Now no more cold" (well... with a tiny grammar mistake, but definitely understandable). I then added how last night I was so cold that I couldn't sleep for two hours.
Mr. Chan laughed very hard.... (He's a riot!!~) ^o^

Let me introduce to you - Our new baby Robot !!!

We chose a radiating heater, because it's more energy-efficient. It radiates heat after it heats up the contained oil inside. The burning point of the oil can range from 150 to 200 degree Celsius. So it can take up to 20 minutes to boil the oil. But once the oil is heat up, it can retain the heat for a very long time and warm up the whole room. Another advantage is that this kind can keep the air more moist than say the electric (fan) heater.

Somebody can't wait to warm his hands with the new heater!!! ;)

See, now we have two cute little robots at home!!! (The one on the left is a dehumidifier that we got last Summer to combat the Hong Kong summer humidity.)
They look so cute together!!! wakakaka~!! ^_^

Welcome to our "warm" family!!~ \(^o^)/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't catch your hair on fire! :0 J/K