A small recount of my pre-birthday BBQ celebration with a bunch of old buddies from St Francis College (equivalent to US junior high to 12th grade + 1st year in university).
The last time I saw them was at least 7 years ago... Time really, flies~ (But we are all still pretty and young, i.e., pretty young, heh...). Some of them are even from St James Primary School (equivalent to US first grade to 6th grade). We really do go all the way back... (^_~)v
Had lots of fun!! And gosh I miss BBQ HK style. See the contrast -
US Style - just put meat in the thing and wait for it to cook for you
HK Style - manual work from sticking the food to the fork, to sitting next to the burning hot fire, waiting for the meat to be slowly grilled
The last time I did the HK style must be at least 10, 11 years ago~ ^_^ At that time we had to bring our own food, drinks, BBQ fork, tissue, paper, and even coal. But 10 years later (i.e. nowadays) the outdated me witnessed the society improvement firsthand - you don't need to prepare anything yourself except bring along your tummy ;) hehe... Jackpot!!!
(I know i know... The picture resolution in the blog is pretty low. If you want to view the full res version, please go to my Flickr photo album.)Food is all prepared for you. "All you can eat" buffet style. Choose your own favorites.
We ate so much that night..... And the fire is ........... HOT !!!
"Oh no, will Leung Man-kit not recognize me?"
haha... Jackie, what do you think - do you recognize who this is?
Old buddies \(^_~)/~
Everybody ChEeRrRrRrzzz~
After BbQ
We went to a famous desert house around the BBQ site afterwards. It turned out to be a small "surprised" birthday celebration with a little birthday mango pudding, haha!
Ordering... (without knowing what is going on)
"What? A birthday cake? I mean, a birthday mango pudding??" (^_~)v
haha... My first birthday celebration with so many "pretty gals" since ..... a loooooong time ago.... ;) Yay !!!
Birthday wish is .... (secret, of coz !!! Geez... r u seriously thinking that I'll tell u!!!?!)
Thanks everybody~ ^__________________^
And thx to the courtesy of Gigi for sending me all these pictures ;)
Friday, March 30, 2007
BBQ with old friends
Thursday, March 29, 2007
I think I miss my family....
My dad, mom and brother just came back from a 3 day trip to Las Vegas. Dad sent me their picture album. Looking at their pictures, I realized... I am not homesick, but I might be a bit "family-sick" -- I miss my family...
Looking at their pictures reminded me all the family trips that we took when Jackie and I were little (like... really little, still in primary school). I still remember how much I looked forward to those annual family trip as a kid. ^_^ I think it's at that time that my serious (but expensive) interest in seeing, exploring more of the world has started to incubated.
Part of me wants to see the whole world; the desire to experience and live in all those so-called "big, developed cities" is quite strong. But part of me also knows that I don't want to stay in a place that won't allow me to visit my family very conveniently. Mike and I have discussed a lot about our desires to keep a city life and yet live close to our parents. (especially every time we moved to a new city ;) We still haven't decided where we will settle down (and probably won't be able to until after a long time). I just hope that we can find a place where we can live happily and still can see our families easily...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
We DID it !!!!!!
After almost a year of "Japanese salary men", involuntary workaholic torture in Japan, we have finally moved on --> Mike and I have moved to Hong Kong about a month ago. (yeah!!!)
I can't tell you how happy we are since we left Japan. The only things I missed about Japan are the friends that I made there and the 恵比寿 swimming pool (the cleanest pool I've ever seen in my life)...
Anyways, Hong Kong --> i.e., new changes, new job, new living environment, new life style , new schedule, and more importantly, NEW LIFE !!! I can't tell you how much more happier Mike and I are since we moved out here~ Comparing with Japan, it is like... hell and heaven!! I know it's probably a bit too dramatic description; but coming to think about it, it's true in many ways.
You got to love the convenience of EVERYTHING here (yeah, virtually everything, not kidding!!) Restaurants, shopping centers, grocery stores, electronic shops, anything you can name. Transportation is excellent. MTR is my all-time favorite transportation. The JR and subway in Tokyo, in comparison, look like crap. Another major advantage is the low cost of living in Hong Kong. Everything is 10 times cheaper and you got 10 times more selections !! I couldn't stop buying and cooking different kinds of vegetables everyday from the market the first couple weeks we were here!! haha....
Some other things that Mike likes particularly about Hong Kong are (of course) the safety of it. He was so serious that he did a somewhat in-depth statistics and wrote a blog entry about it.
Anyways, in conclusion, we haven't been this happy for a looooooong time...
See, our happy "looks", hehe (^_~)v